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Kg to Liters

Welcome to kg to liters, our article written to help you with the kilograms to liters conversion.

Throughout this page we employ the spelling variant kilogram, as opposed to kilogramme.

In the same manner, we use liter, instead of litre, which is the international spelling.

The kilogram (kg) is the SI’s (International System of Units) base unit of mass, whereas the liter is an SI accepted unit of volume having the unit symbol L or l, occasionally abbreviated as ltr.

Kg to Liters Calculator

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Kilograms to Liters

The linking element between the property mass (m) and the quantity volume (V) is the volumetric mass density.

For the sake of simplicity, we use the term density from now on.

The definition for the density D is D = m / V.

For a given material, D is dependent on temperature and pressure conditions.

In addition, different substances typically have different densities.

Because kg to liters is a mass to volume conversion, the material-specific density links the mass and volume, in function of temperature and pressure, as expressed in the formula below.

How to Convert Kg to Liters

We employ the formula V = m / D.

At 4° C (39.2 Fahrenheit) and sea level, for water D = 1, so V = m.

Under these conditions, 1 kilogram of water is equal to 1 liter.

Here you can find all about liter to kg.

Kg to Liter Conversion Formula

The kg to liter formula is: [L] = [kg] / D.

For the purpose of cooking water in the household, the approximation L ~ kg is most likely fair enough.

But what about cream, milk and other ingredients?

For that, you have to substitute D in the kg to ltr formula with the particular value, or, even easier, fill in our converters above.

The density value and unit are requested.

Typical calculations include, for example:In the next section you can find the FAQs in the context.

Frequently Asked Questions

Taking our information into account, try to answer the frequently asked questions related to the topic of this page:

How many liters in 1 kg?

[L] = [kg] / Density of ingredient

How many litres is 1 kg of oil?

1.14 liters approximately, assumed D (oil) = 0.88 g/ml

How many mL are in a kg?

It depends on the material, pressure and temperature

What is kg and liter?

The liter is a metric unit of volume, whereas the kilogram is the SI base unit of mass.

Is 1 kg of water 1 liter?

Yes – But only as an approximation

What is the volume of 1 kg of water?

1 kg of water ≈ 1 dm3

Is 1 litre of milk equal to 1 kg?

1 liter milk ≈ 1.04 kg (We assume D = 1.04 g/ml)

Ahead we show you how to locate particular calculations and wrap of kilograms to liters up.


You have reached the concluding part of how to convert kilograms to liters.

This depiction wraps it all up:
If anything about kg in liter needs clarification, and in case you want to leave a comment, simply fill in the designated form at the bottom, or write us an email with the subject convert kg to liters.

Last, but not least, you can locate many kg to liters conversions employing our search form in the header menu.

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Further information related to Kg to Liters can be found at the referenced site on our home page.– Article written by Mark, last updated on October 14th, 2023